This episode is another solocast where I compile some of the most useful findings as of my research as of late and features some of my favorite and most trust-worthy sources of insight and truth.
I read aloud one of Matt Kahn's latest posts and recommend you do the same. I also share a video and information from Sayer Ji and Dr Tom Cowan that I've found to be incredibly insightful and in need of sharing.
I trust that something in it will be valuable and would encourage you to reach out if you have further questions, are in need of support, or want to connect just for the sake of connecting.
Please forward this to those in need of hope and clarity and take good care of yourself.
Full blog post and show notes:
The Outro Song, and a rather fitting one given the next while of self-isolating that I'm doing out in the woods:
Into the Woods by Rob Riccardo Be well, take good care, and know that I'm here for you if you need support.
Best ways to get in touch are via Instagram @bryanhardy7 or email at [email protected]
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